As much as some people don't want to admit it, one of the reasons they go on vacation is so that they have something new and exciting to tell all their friends when they get back.

I'll have to admit that I'm not so guilty of this, because I live in Hawaii. So when I go on vacation I say that I had to LEAVE my life of tropical tranquility driving around MINIs all day because I went to visit family and drive a Ford Mustang in, say, San Diego. Now normally visiting San Diego would sound like a cool vacation (and for many the Ford Mustang rental would also permit bragging rights), but statistics show that Honolulu trumps almost all other US cities.
And as for the bragging rights that result from renting a MINI? Well, lets just say that if your friend comes to Oahu and rents a MINI, chances are you'll be hearing about it for a long, long time.